Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Personal Project: Green Baby Wrap Up

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
 starting to improve the world” – Anne Frank

Often, I find myself calm about the idea of a having a baby in my life but completely overwhelmed at the idea of having all the “stuff” that comes with a baby.  There are a series of questions that are asked by the typical person when you are having a baby. First, what are you having?  When we say we aren’t finding out, people give us a funny look as say, why?  My answer is why not?  We live in a world of instant gratification.  I actually think we have forgotten how to wait.  Yep, waiting is hard.  But, I keep telling myself how amazing that moment will be when the baby actually comes!  Then, the person asks, have you picked out names?  Next, the advice comes…  You should buy this…eat this, not that…don’t do this, do that… It’s exhausting. 

In response to the stress, I keep trying to maintain some sort of normality in my life and in an effort to not go off the deep end in baby world, I simplify things and try to break everything down into what I actually need and how I can positively impact my life as a “vessel” in an attempt to have a healthy baby.  All the madness boils down to 5 items that we truly need when our baby is welcomed into the world:
  1.  A place for baby to sleep (check- hand-me-down crib and bassinet)
  2. A way to diaper baby (check- see my blog titled, “The Poop on Cloth Diapering”)
  3. A way to keep baby warm (check, I have been given lots of hand-me-down cloths and blankets and have set up a registry at The Green Nursery (local to Bloomington) and BabyEarth  (boasts one of the largest selections of eco-friendly baby products in the market today) for other items I need.  Also, see blog post titled, “Local and Re-used”).
  4. A way to care for baby’s health and safety (check – between Craig’s list and my scheduled Green Baby Shower, I will be able to obtain all the necessities I need!)
  5. A way to feed baby (check- see blog post titled, “Using My Milk-Making Superpowers to Save the Planet”)

So, all in all I’m good to go.  Wait, just kidding.  I have tons to learn and in just a matter of days, I’m going to have even more time to dive deeper into babydom.  This should not be confused with baby doom, even though there are times I feel this way.  But, then I will feel this flutter or movement in my belly and think; this truly is the most amazing thing in the world.  A person is growing inside me, and I am going to do everything in my power to raise a sustainable baby that understands the importance of the earth on which he/she lives, strives to make the world a better place in each and everything he/she does, and most importantly is happy, because what in the world is life without happiness! 

Though the personal project is ending for V515, the project and research will continue for the rest of my life.  I was blessed to be in this course during pregnancy.  Graduate school doesn’t allow much time to research ways to make your life better.  Often times, school leads to unhealthy eating and sleeping, lack of exercise, and on some days depression.  But, this class was the light in my tunnel.  It gave me a moment to research the most important thing in my life right now and to learn.  It’s true many of the people I speak with think I’m crazy to be considering cloth diapers, a natural childbirth, making my own baby food, and breast-feeding.  These concepts are hard for some people to grasp because they are different and may be a little inconvenient.  

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could 

To where it bent in the undergrowth; 

Then took the other, as just as fair, 

And having perhaps the better claim, 

Because it was grassy and wanted wear; 

Though as for that the passing there 

Had worn them really about the same, 

And both that morning equally lay 

In leaves no step had trodden black. 

Oh, I kept the first for another day! 

Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 

I doubted if I should ever come back. 

I shall be telling this with a sigh 

Somewhere ages and ages hence: 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- 

I took the one less traveled by, 

And that has made all the difference

...Robert Frost

But, after my research I know I can do it!  I’ve never been one to follow the pack (as explained by the fact that I have a colony of worms living in a plastic tub in a closet in my basement) and in not following the path I find a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  Maybe what I learn from this adventure will inspire others to do the same.  Just as I have done in V515, I plan to share my knowledge/worms with the world!  Bill, thank you for allowing this exploration!

Another final note, Garrett Chicken Project 101 will be revisited and it will be even more fun to revisit when I have a little one around to help me learn the “ways of the chicken.” 

Until we meet again, wishing you all the courage to pursue your passions, the strength to endure the hardships, and the happiness to guide your journey through this amazing life!

Personal Project: Using My Milk-Making Superpowers to Save the Planet

It is from a place of security, a place of being attached to baby and baby to parents, that a child can begin to attach to other people.” www.kellymom.com

I’ve come to the conclusion; one of the best ways to have a sustainable baby is to breast-feed.  I still have a lot to learn, but was amazed to learn that there are so many benefits
  1. Nutritious!  Breast milk is specially formulated to meet all of your child’s nutritional needs.  The milk naturally evolves through different developmental stages so that it includes all the nutrients the baby requires at that stage.
  2. Healthy Baby!  Moms pass along the antibodies they’ve gained from inoculations and sickness while they are breastfeeding.  Babies who are not breastfed have a 21% higher mortality rate than their breastfed counterparts.  Breastfed babies have far fewer risks associated with illnesses such as asthma, obesity, childhood leukemia, and SIDS. 
  3. Healthy Mom!  Breastfeeding helps moms shed pregnancy weight.  It also lowers a woman’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer.
  4. Environmentally Friendly!  Breastfeeding only requires mom and baby.  It reduces waste and energy use associated with formula feeding.
  5.  Saves Money!  Organic formula costs approximately $8,000 for the baby’s first year. 
  6. Comfort & Bonding!  The maternal connection that is established during the feedings can provide a soothing effect when the baby is sick, hurting, or distraught.
  7.  Baby’s Brain Development!  A study showed that breastfed babies had a 5.2-point advantage in IQ tests because of the bonding and nutritional value associated with breastfeeding (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).

Friends have pointed me towards the website Kellymom about breastfeeding and parenting.  It is full of a ton of information regarding why to breast-feed, how to get started, and common questions and concerns.  There is also an excellent chapter in the book I purchased titled, the Eco-nomical Baby Guide, by Joy Hatch and Rebecca Kelley. Oh there is so much to learn!!! And, in 1.5 weeks, I will actually have some time to learn!

On a related side note, in the US many organizations have been working to make breastfeeding more acceptable in the US.  There is now a child’s toy called breast milk baby that is a breastfeeding baby doll that was created in Spain but is now available in the US.  Check out this news report on the baby doll. Though this is definitely a major shift in our cultural norm, I think the idea is intriguing.  It begins to make breastfeeding as normal as a bottle and with all the benefits mentioned above, I don’t think this is a bad thing at all!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Collective Shift

I find that nearly every topic discussed this semester ties back to the graph portrayed in Limits to Growth.  This rings particularly true when you think about how the realities of the human perspective impact the concepts discussed in Roseland’s chapter on “governing sustainable communities” and shared/consensus decision-making (190-206). 

Having worked in the government sector for 5 years, I know how difficult it is to get positive public input, or even any public involvement at all.  We would advertise, speak on the radio, meet at flexible times and do everything we could possibly do, next to knocking on doors and having personal interviews, and still few people would show up.  Of the few that would show up, they appeared because they opposed what was happening.  We knew there were tons of people in the community in support of our projects, yet those people never came.  How do you get people involved and interested in what is happening in the community?

The good news, based on the graph, is that the focus of individuals is first on family, and then on business, city, and neighborhood.  The majority of people may not be willing to march in Washington for a particular issue, but they are pretty likely to care when it impacts the community in which they have a home and raise a family.  In order to get people involved, they must be aware about what is happening in the community and that is where education and public awareness campaigns come into play. 
Roseland writes about employers giving employees flexibility and incentives to increase the time they and their families devote to community activities (191).  What a great idea!  We all face a series of pressures and problems that require attention and action.  Having your employer give you time to be involved and stay aware allows you to take time to be a part of you community.  My husband’s employer, Cummins, Inc., has a program just like this.  The EEC program (Every Employee, Every Community) requires him to spend 4 hours a year volunteering in our community.  Though 4 hours doesn’t seem like much, when you stretch the 4 hours to the 6,000-7,000 employees in Bartholomew County, that makes a huge difference.
No, we don’t live in a perfect sustainable world like Ecotopia or Annaresas, as described in the articles covered in Wheeler.  But, this is the only world we have and we each need to do our part to be involved in our communities and have a positive impact as we each strive to make the world a better place!  Why?  Because, that is all we can do!  So, as we move forward in school, work and life “Remember Earth” and “Remember your Community”, we need them both in order to live happy, healthy and sustainable lives!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Event 3: GreenTown: The Future of Community

On November 17, I attended the GreenTown Conference in Terre Haute and it was well worth the drive.  Not only was it a great networking opportunity, but I heard some really good presentations:

  • Rebuilding Greensburg Green by the Mayor of Greensburg Kansas, Bob Dixson.  95% of Greensburg was leveled by a tornado in 2007.  However, the capitalized on the tragedy by aiming to rebuild a sustainable city.  From LEED certified buildings to the use of wind energy and native plants, the City is coming back better than ever!

  • My favorite presentation for the day was by Richard Jackson titled, "Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being and Sustainability."  He discussed how the many diseases of the 1900's were cured through changes in the built environment (clean water, air, sewer systems, etc.)  Now, the epidemics of our century (asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity) must be cured the same way- by creating places where people can be healthy.
  • I was really looking forward to the presentation by Mia Birk on "Creating a Bike Friendly Culture".  However, technological difficulties kept Skype from working.  Luckily, I have seen her speak before, so hopefully I didn't miss out on much.
  • I was lucky enough to not only hear Scott Russell Sanders speak but to also get to have an hour long conversation with him.   What a neat man!  He has this excellent way of presenting that inspires you to continue working towards the changes you hope to see in the world.  For his presentation, he discussed the shortfalls of looking at our society solely in the "consumer" mind frame.  Instead we should focus more on care taking.  
All presentations hit directly on the many topics we have covered this semester.  It was really neat to see what is happening out there and to be around of many like minded individuals.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Personal Project – Local and Re-used

I am about ½ way through the second book for my personal project.  This one is called, “the Eco-nomical Baby Guide” by Joy Hatch and Rebecca Kelley.  The key to a sustainable/green baby is, “to simply avoid purchasing so many of the ‘must have’ gadgets and devices on the market.”  I’m not going to lie; this is especially difficult when you are attempting to register for gifts.  I often find myself overwhelmed with the idea, and I just click on items in hopes that I fill my registry and can be done with this madness. 

The book suggests that if you are eco-nomical you can end up spending only approximately $1,000 on baby gear when the national average is $7,000.  $7,000- are you kidding me? $7,000 on stuff you may only use once.  So, I push forward… hoping to spend much less than $1,000.

My husband, Clint, and I attended the Bloomington Handmade Market and The Green Nursery on Saturday to get an idea of what can be purchased instead of supporting the monster known as Baby’s R Us (I’m not going to lie, the idea of going into this store gives me the sort of feeling you get when you think of going into your own personal hell).  The day was quite a success.  On the drive my husband began searching Craig’s List to see if there was anything out there that we could purchase used (don’t worry, I was driving).

The day was a success!  For $15, we purchased a boppy pillow and a baby bath from a resident in Bloomington.  We set up a registry at The Green Nursery.  And, we purchased a couple handmade gifts for my friend’s baby shower I am attending next weekend.  I was also able to pick up a bunch of cards from local artists that have Etsy sites and have begun compiling a wish list to give to people that attend my shower.  There are so many amazing things being crafted by people in Indiana, I’m excited!   Check out all this cool stuff:

Handmade Stuffed Owls:  made by an artist in Dayton, OH out of reused sweaters from a local thrift store.

Handmade Flannel Cloth Diaper Wipes: made by a woman in South Bend, Indiana, not only are these replacements for disposable wipes, but they can also be used as washcloths during bath time and cleaning up after meals.  I am actually going to try to make these on my own over Christmas break

Handmade Burp Cloth:  Made in Lafayette, IN.  Not only are these functional but they look amazing!

Handmade Bib and Burp Cloth:  Made in Indianapolis, IN.  There is also a cute little spoon holder in the bib!

Handmade Bunny:  These are made by the same artist as above.  The bunny is even backed with fuzzy white chenille.

Handmade Changing Pad:  Another creation by the artist above.  This cute changing pad actually folds into a cute clutch to put in your purse or diaper bag.

Baby's Handmade Book:  This handmade fabric book is made in Morgantown, In. 

Handmade Baby Carrier:  I love this one.  They are made by a lady in Ft. Wayne, In.  What a great idea, to hold your baby and have your hands for use at the same time!

  Handmade Zippered Wet Cloth Diaper Carrying Bag:  Made in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, these cloth diaper bags come in a variety of colors and sizes.  What a great local substitution for the Planet Wise wet bags.  They are even priced relatively similar!

And, so the journey continues…

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Event 2: Pavement, Paths & Planning: Multi-Modal Infrastructure in Downtown Indianapolis

From bike lanes to multi-use paths and from bio-swales to public art, downtown Indianapolis is becoming a multi-modal mecca.  This workshop was on two wheels!  Joining fellow Indiana landscape architects, we pedaled along some of Indianapolis’ new bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure – the Indianapolis Cultural Trail

The tour was led by Kevin Whited, IndyCOG board president and program manager for Bicycle Indiana, Karen Haley, the executive director of the Cultural Trail and Mark Zwoyer, the lead engineer of the Cultural Trail and employed by RW Armstrong.  We rented bicycles and helmets from Bicycle Garage Indiana, which is located in the new YMCA bicycle hub located adjacent to the City Market.

The Cultural Trail meanders right through the heart of Indianapolis and creates a separate lane for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.  Scattered throughout, there is public art representing the spirit and culture of Indiana.  There were times I would look up and think, wow, I can’t believe I am riding right downtown and enjoying it.  Though it may not be an ideal path for commuters, it gives community members a place to experience active recreation and it gives tourists and different perspective of Indianapolis.  It is amazing how this trail has transformed downtown for the better!
If you have not had the opportunity to see/ride on the Cultural Trail in Indy, I highly recommend it.  What they have done is pretty awesome when you think of all the difficulties and space restrictions that are associated with an urban center.  When I saw what they have been able to accomplish, it made me think how easy it should be in Columbus!

Events: Reuse - Saving the Dome from the Landfill

On October 14th, I attended the INASLA annual conference in downtown Indianapolis.  One particular presentation got me extremely excited about all the possibilities related to the idea of reuse.  The presentation was by Michael Bricker who is the co-founder and executive director of People for Urban Progress (PUP).  PUP is an Indianapolis-based non-profit and urban design do-tank that focuses on projects that enhance the urban quality of life in Indianapolis, particularly in the areas of transit, environment and design.

Michael and a few friends started the non-profit out of the big idea of reusing the fabric from the RCA dome when it was demolished in 2008.  The worked with the construction company and the City to save the 15-acres of fabric that was 2 layers thick.  They were able to save 3 acres or 90% of the fabric from the landfill.  This much fabric would cover a sidewalk that would run from downtown Indianapolis to Carmel. 
Their initial idea was to work with local artists to reuse the fabric and make it into shade structures for the parks around Indianapolis.  In order to do this, they needed funding.  So, they worked with the local artists to create really fun items that could be sold.  They make a series of products such as wallets, purses, clutches, etc. (I recommend everyone check this out- what a wonderful Christmas present!). 
From these projects they raised over $30,000 and have been able to begin work on their shade structures.  See an example of one below.  They have also worked with a variety of Universities, Businesses, and non-profits around Indianapolis to create custom structures that provide shade.  To date, they have used approximately 1% of the fabric.

I was actually able to chat with Michael at the end of the presentation, and I think we may start working with them to create some unique work in Columbus.  I was thinking it would be really cool to create bike rack covers with the material.  I have linked Michael up with the director of the newly created Indiana University College of Art and Design located in Columbus.  I’m excited about the possibilities!  I found the presentation truly inspiring!