Saturday, November 19, 2011

Event 3: GreenTown: The Future of Community

On November 17, I attended the GreenTown Conference in Terre Haute and it was well worth the drive.  Not only was it a great networking opportunity, but I heard some really good presentations:

  • Rebuilding Greensburg Green by the Mayor of Greensburg Kansas, Bob Dixson.  95% of Greensburg was leveled by a tornado in 2007.  However, the capitalized on the tragedy by aiming to rebuild a sustainable city.  From LEED certified buildings to the use of wind energy and native plants, the City is coming back better than ever!

  • My favorite presentation for the day was by Richard Jackson titled, "Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being and Sustainability."  He discussed how the many diseases of the 1900's were cured through changes in the built environment (clean water, air, sewer systems, etc.)  Now, the epidemics of our century (asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity) must be cured the same way- by creating places where people can be healthy.
  • I was really looking forward to the presentation by Mia Birk on "Creating a Bike Friendly Culture".  However, technological difficulties kept Skype from working.  Luckily, I have seen her speak before, so hopefully I didn't miss out on much.
  • I was lucky enough to not only hear Scott Russell Sanders speak but to also get to have an hour long conversation with him.   What a neat man!  He has this excellent way of presenting that inspires you to continue working towards the changes you hope to see in the world.  For his presentation, he discussed the shortfalls of looking at our society solely in the "consumer" mind frame.  Instead we should focus more on care taking.  
All presentations hit directly on the many topics we have covered this semester.  It was really neat to see what is happening out there and to be around of many like minded individuals.

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