Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Independent Project - Backyard Chickens.

The first element of my project will involve researching the legality of chickens in my backyard.  I've put in a request for a copy of the Lake covenants and am wishfully crossing my fingers hoping that they have not been addressed.  If they have, I must make a abandon the project or pretend I never looked at the covenants.  Right now I'm leaning toward the second option, because I'm set on the idea of chickens and having them will hopefully teach people it's easy and ok.  I mean take a look at this beauty:
I'm planning for 2 chickens and just ordered the book "City Chicks" to begin learning the ropes of backyard chickens.  My husband and I have also been researching coops on wheels or what some call a chicken tractor that can be moved around my garden (which I will also create as part of this project) to fertilize and aerate.  I hope to finalize the design and begin building the coop this weekend.  Right now I'm leaning towards this design but I'm worried it will be difficult to move around:

I love the green roof!!!  I also want to have some portable fencing to allow the chickens to move around a portion of my yard during the daytime when we are home.  Finally, I will find 2 chickens and feed and care for them so they happily supply me with tasty eggs that I can share with the world.

Thoughts, suggestions, and comments?


  1. Green roof vs. portability? That's the kind of design decision that will be interesting to document. You may want to research codes first, or you will really need something on wheels!

  2. I LOVE this project idea. And before you mentioned it later in the post, I was going to recommend that you read "City Chicks" or other books by Pat Foreman about the subject. I attended the lecture she gave at IU last year, and while she's a bit odd, she has some great ideas. I definitely suggest looking the other way if the ordinances don't go your way- what's the harm in a couple of chickens?? (famous last words....) Anyway, keep us updated!

  3. Such a cool and interesting idea! I don't know very much about chickens, but this summer I learned that Elizabeth Mortenson (a fellow SPEAon) knows quite a lot and loves to talk about them! She keeps her own chickens at "home" (not in Bloomington) but also lives with a roommate who keeps chickens in Bloomington. She's a great resource and I would love to connect you two if you don't know her already, just let me know!
