Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Personal Project: Green Baby Wrap Up

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
 starting to improve the world” – Anne Frank

Often, I find myself calm about the idea of a having a baby in my life but completely overwhelmed at the idea of having all the “stuff” that comes with a baby.  There are a series of questions that are asked by the typical person when you are having a baby. First, what are you having?  When we say we aren’t finding out, people give us a funny look as say, why?  My answer is why not?  We live in a world of instant gratification.  I actually think we have forgotten how to wait.  Yep, waiting is hard.  But, I keep telling myself how amazing that moment will be when the baby actually comes!  Then, the person asks, have you picked out names?  Next, the advice comes…  You should buy this…eat this, not that…don’t do this, do that… It’s exhausting. 

In response to the stress, I keep trying to maintain some sort of normality in my life and in an effort to not go off the deep end in baby world, I simplify things and try to break everything down into what I actually need and how I can positively impact my life as a “vessel” in an attempt to have a healthy baby.  All the madness boils down to 5 items that we truly need when our baby is welcomed into the world:
  1.  A place for baby to sleep (check- hand-me-down crib and bassinet)
  2. A way to diaper baby (check- see my blog titled, “The Poop on Cloth Diapering”)
  3. A way to keep baby warm (check, I have been given lots of hand-me-down cloths and blankets and have set up a registry at The Green Nursery (local to Bloomington) and BabyEarth  (boasts one of the largest selections of eco-friendly baby products in the market today) for other items I need.  Also, see blog post titled, “Local and Re-used”).
  4. A way to care for baby’s health and safety (check – between Craig’s list and my scheduled Green Baby Shower, I will be able to obtain all the necessities I need!)
  5. A way to feed baby (check- see blog post titled, “Using My Milk-Making Superpowers to Save the Planet”)

So, all in all I’m good to go.  Wait, just kidding.  I have tons to learn and in just a matter of days, I’m going to have even more time to dive deeper into babydom.  This should not be confused with baby doom, even though there are times I feel this way.  But, then I will feel this flutter or movement in my belly and think; this truly is the most amazing thing in the world.  A person is growing inside me, and I am going to do everything in my power to raise a sustainable baby that understands the importance of the earth on which he/she lives, strives to make the world a better place in each and everything he/she does, and most importantly is happy, because what in the world is life without happiness! 

Though the personal project is ending for V515, the project and research will continue for the rest of my life.  I was blessed to be in this course during pregnancy.  Graduate school doesn’t allow much time to research ways to make your life better.  Often times, school leads to unhealthy eating and sleeping, lack of exercise, and on some days depression.  But, this class was the light in my tunnel.  It gave me a moment to research the most important thing in my life right now and to learn.  It’s true many of the people I speak with think I’m crazy to be considering cloth diapers, a natural childbirth, making my own baby food, and breast-feeding.  These concepts are hard for some people to grasp because they are different and may be a little inconvenient.  

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could 

To where it bent in the undergrowth; 

Then took the other, as just as fair, 

And having perhaps the better claim, 

Because it was grassy and wanted wear; 

Though as for that the passing there 

Had worn them really about the same, 

And both that morning equally lay 

In leaves no step had trodden black. 

Oh, I kept the first for another day! 

Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 

I doubted if I should ever come back. 

I shall be telling this with a sigh 

Somewhere ages and ages hence: 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- 

I took the one less traveled by, 

And that has made all the difference

...Robert Frost

But, after my research I know I can do it!  I’ve never been one to follow the pack (as explained by the fact that I have a colony of worms living in a plastic tub in a closet in my basement) and in not following the path I find a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  Maybe what I learn from this adventure will inspire others to do the same.  Just as I have done in V515, I plan to share my knowledge/worms with the world!  Bill, thank you for allowing this exploration!

Another final note, Garrett Chicken Project 101 will be revisited and it will be even more fun to revisit when I have a little one around to help me learn the “ways of the chicken.” 

Until we meet again, wishing you all the courage to pursue your passions, the strength to endure the hardships, and the happiness to guide your journey through this amazing life!

Personal Project: Using My Milk-Making Superpowers to Save the Planet

It is from a place of security, a place of being attached to baby and baby to parents, that a child can begin to attach to other people.” www.kellymom.com

I’ve come to the conclusion; one of the best ways to have a sustainable baby is to breast-feed.  I still have a lot to learn, but was amazed to learn that there are so many benefits
  1. Nutritious!  Breast milk is specially formulated to meet all of your child’s nutritional needs.  The milk naturally evolves through different developmental stages so that it includes all the nutrients the baby requires at that stage.
  2. Healthy Baby!  Moms pass along the antibodies they’ve gained from inoculations and sickness while they are breastfeeding.  Babies who are not breastfed have a 21% higher mortality rate than their breastfed counterparts.  Breastfed babies have far fewer risks associated with illnesses such as asthma, obesity, childhood leukemia, and SIDS. 
  3. Healthy Mom!  Breastfeeding helps moms shed pregnancy weight.  It also lowers a woman’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer.
  4. Environmentally Friendly!  Breastfeeding only requires mom and baby.  It reduces waste and energy use associated with formula feeding.
  5.  Saves Money!  Organic formula costs approximately $8,000 for the baby’s first year. 
  6. Comfort & Bonding!  The maternal connection that is established during the feedings can provide a soothing effect when the baby is sick, hurting, or distraught.
  7.  Baby’s Brain Development!  A study showed that breastfed babies had a 5.2-point advantage in IQ tests because of the bonding and nutritional value associated with breastfeeding (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).

Friends have pointed me towards the website Kellymom about breastfeeding and parenting.  It is full of a ton of information regarding why to breast-feed, how to get started, and common questions and concerns.  There is also an excellent chapter in the book I purchased titled, the Eco-nomical Baby Guide, by Joy Hatch and Rebecca Kelley. Oh there is so much to learn!!! And, in 1.5 weeks, I will actually have some time to learn!

On a related side note, in the US many organizations have been working to make breastfeeding more acceptable in the US.  There is now a child’s toy called breast milk baby that is a breastfeeding baby doll that was created in Spain but is now available in the US.  Check out this news report on the baby doll. Though this is definitely a major shift in our cultural norm, I think the idea is intriguing.  It begins to make breastfeeding as normal as a bottle and with all the benefits mentioned above, I don’t think this is a bad thing at all!